It seems like Clare's stock is going up on the Ignatius Exchange. Of course she's doing that by browbeating Thaddeus, a stockbroker.
This took quite some time to accomplish. I had to draw eight characters for the first panel and I had to draw Ignatius and Sandra three times each for the animated .gif in the second panel. I just hope that it was worth it. I also hope the animation works. By the way, you can download the full-sized animation on the sketchbook page.
The picture is actually a .gif file overlapping a .png. That explains the kind of ugly picture quality for the animation. Unfortunately, the code for the overlap causes a big gap under the pictures that I can't seem to get rid of. If any of you can produce the code that would rid me of this inconvenient gap, drop me a note at grim at otterstow dot com and I'll be grateful no end.