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    We all have big dreams. And nothing sets off a determined dreamer more than someone else saying, "No, you can't." I'm sure Gina's parents meant well by having Gina care for her younger brother, but it was a disaster waiting to happen. Who wants to be dependent all of their lives?

    Those two Leverets (baby Hares) on the sofa in the bottom right are Rachael and Clare. This all happened 18 years ago so I wanted a 'time stamp' at the train station. Thus I put a newspaper stand in the scene. The headline behind the suitcase reads "PM DECLARES 1982 JOBLESS 'DISASTROUS'" (It's actually legible at full resolution). I know the grammar is not completely correct, but headlines don't have to be, and besides, it fit. For those of you old enough to remember the early 80s, unemployment was the big issue back then - I think even the Falklands took a back seat.

Drawing completed - 30 JAN 2010
Drawing posted - 03 FEB 2010

20 JUNE 2001 Wednesday - 2000
Page 50
Black Kettle Pub

    Technically, the twins were cousins to Grace ParsleyHare; in practice, they were sisters. The three girls always referred to each other as the latter and also referred to Gina as their mother. To the three teenage girls, that was the end of the story.

    For Gina, however, there was a beginning. Between her and her younger brother, she had always been considered as the more pragmatic one and, thus, was left the family business just before the parents took retirement to some sunny spot in the colonies to while away their golden years. Not to leave little brother out in the cold, it was stipulated that Gina should provide him food and shelter. There were numerous harsh words spoken between the two adult children concerning the situation, mostly surrounding concepts such as fairness, work ethic, lack of vision, overindulgence and so on.

    Feeling that he should make his own way in the world, Gina's brother took his girlfriend to Trinova to try and make a living treading the boards. He did meet with some success, however none of it was with acting.

    They both returned to Otterstow precisely one year later with the newborns, Clare and Rachael, in tow. They then announced to Gina that they were going to travel the world as thespians.

    There was, of course, an argument.
All material copyright Grim, 2009. No unauthorized use. Survivors will be prosecuted.