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The story thus far...
    Grace and Simon, two teenage tearaways, have discovered a passage to Reality in the basement of The tré (a tiny theatre in their miniscule town of Otterstow). Unfortunately, they have accidentally trapped themselves and cannot return, although they don't seem to be in any hurry to do so.
    Ignatius (the mayor of Otterstow) suspects this is the case and has enlisted the aid of the parents; Slide, Sandra, Pete and Gina. None of the adults have figured out how to open the passage, which seems to involve a mysterious box.

What's going on right now:
    Grace and Simon are exploring the Rialto, which is the theatre on the other side of the passage.
It's getting late and they're scouting around for a bite to eat. Naturally, they go to the kitchen.

About the page...
    Simon's tail has a great big wag going on. You think he's hungry?
    The rendering of the background took nearly four hours. That did not include all of the modelling I did - like the refrigerator and that hideous curtain for the cupboard. It was from the time I told Blender to render to when it produced the finished picture (with shadows for Grace and Simon). I also modeled the sink full of dirty dishes - you'll get to see that later. What was truly a chore was laying out the kitchen (I still haven't completely put everything in place).
    Bear in mind that the living quarters are "built-in" to the Rialto. For Americans, this is uncommon (although not unheard of). Many places of business in Europe and the UK have a residence above a business where the manager/proprietor lives. For pubs, it's practically a law. I think I would have mixed feelings about this. On the one hand, the commute would be quite short - and if I lived near a town center, I'd have little need for a car (to me, that's a good thing). On the other hand, I could never "get away" from work. It would always be, literally, my front door. However, if my work were a pub, that might not be so bad...

Drawing completed - 17 DEC 2010
Drawing posted - 22 DEC 2010

20 JUNE 2001 Wednesday - 2100
Page 87
Rialto Living Quarters

   It was well after dark before they noticed that they were hungry. Making their way to the kitchen, they found an aging refrigerator that rattled and hummed, along with a neglected food cupboard filled with dozens of tins and jars of outdated food, opposite a sink filled with dirty dishes growing mouldy in the water in which they had been left to soak, apparently for quite some time.

   Grace, feeling peckish, opened the tatty curtain that didn't quite conceal the pantry and began to investigate some of the tins as Simon braved the refrigerator.
All material copyright Grim, 2010. No unauthorized use. Survivors will be prosecuted.